Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our Celebrity In The Making

Well this one might be short and sweet, but I felt I needed to share some positive things!!  We just finished up with the Cerebral Palsy telethon for Northeast Louisiana and it was a big success.  I have to thank my awesome friends and family for helping out.  The telethon raised more money this year than they have in a long time!!  I think they are already planning on asking us back next year since we weren't afraid to ask for donations!

As some of you have seen, the picture of Braylon in the yellow chair was the one chosen for all the advertisement and the ENORMOUS poster...which we got to keep!  (Not sure where to put that without making it look like a shrine of our child)  I am pretty partial, but I think that face played a huge role in connecting with people to make donations.  That mixed with his outgoing personality were a hit!!  The poor baby was passed around like a sack of potatoes.  Needless to say, he was worn out by the end!

We met several other families and shared stories and experiences with them.  It was very nice to talk with other people going through similar things.  I even talked with one mom that makes her own set-ups for bathing, shopping carts, etc.  I learned a lot from her!!  Braylon also met a special friend much older than him.  By the end of the first day she was giving him artwork she had made herself...this was so touching!

We are all exhausted, but so thankful for that experience!!  There are certain times I think we have it hard and I am quickly reminded it could be much worse.  There are so many forms of Cerebral Palsy and different degrees of disabilities to go along with them.  We will continue to pray for the best and strive to move forward with his development.  Thank you all for your support and encouragement!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course, Braylon's little blessed smile and personality reached a lot of people. It is his gift! We are so grateful that you had the strength to share your family and educate others. I hope you feel the love that was returned to you. You are awesome, and Braylon is just a little angel in earthly clothes. He's going to change the world someday, or perhaps he already has begun.
