Monday, August 19, 2013

Making Up For Lost Time

I am not even sure where to has been so long since my last post, I feel like I could be here for hours trying to catch everyone up!  It has been a crazy busy summer to say the least. As August is coming to an end I am reminded of where we were just one short year ago.

To have a 10 month old child go from "just a little behind" to a major diagnosis was life changing. At that point he was still a baby and it was still pretty easy to take care of him. Little did I know as time moved on how much harder it would become. I have learned so much this past year not only about Braylon and his diagnosis, but about myself as well.

I have connected with people all over the world and we share our stories and ask questions about our children. It has been a lifesaver at times...just when I think we are going through something weird or challenging, I hop online and sure enough it's normal for most "Dandy Kids." It's also very reassuring at times to know others are dealing with exactly what you are.

We have had many trials to face, but we seem to overcome each one. Many prayers have been answered and many blessings have fallen in our laps. I think most importantly this has all brought me closer to God. There have been several times that I just had to walk away and let Him handle things...which isn't my strongest suit being that I'm such a "planner" and want everything exactly in its place.

I so appreciate everyone's support and love for Braylon! We could not have made it through without each and every one of you!!! And just for those following him, here's what we've accomplished this year (as much as I can remember):

rolling over
drinking from a sippy cup
finger feeding
sitting briefly
pull to stand
standing with assistance
army crawling (everywhere!)
brushing hair
points out nose,eyes,teeth
patty cake
peek a boo
words- hi,bye,dada,yea,clap,jump,go,catch,ma (his versions of each)

I will try to be better about posting more updates! Just trying to get everyone back up to speed!!!